Saturday 12 May 2007

Saturday Sights

I went up to my landlord's flat to pay my electricity bill. His wife was not in town, so I'd been dealing with his mother. A plump, dominating lady, with hair on her upper lip and money on her mind, all the time...
So there I was, outside the flat, Saturday morning. I rang the bell , the maid opened the door and I asked if Aunty was in. She mouthed something to me, I don't know what she was trying to say, and I found it quite unusual but ignored it.

I heard Aunty shouting something from inside. So I popped my head in to tell her I had come to pay the bill. AND WHAT DO I SEE..... NAKED ... NUDE.... FAT AUNTY... LYING ON THE FLOOR...Horror of Horrors !!!

I was completely flustered and quickly popped my head out... The maid had a wicked grin on her face and I couldn't help but grin back. I quickly handed over the money to her and rushed down to my flat, closed the door behind me and screamed my heart out and then had a good hearty laugh...


Fireflies said...

shit.. what on earth was she doing on the floor??? naked?? had she fallen down or something? why was the maid smiling? did she also find it funny???

Kochukandhari said...

That is the weirdest story ever. Did you ever follow up and find out what/where/why etc?

Tarantismo said...

My feeling is that she was getting a massage or something, and the maid's probably used to the sight and was just amused at my expression !

No more popping my head in !

hideindisguise said...

lol! have been there :P...once, long back, I went to this aunt's place and rang the bell, just to see that the door was already open, so I walked in to see AUNTY COMING TOWARDS THE DOOR....N A K E D...both were shocked, she went back to the bathroom...dont remember what happened next...was too small...hehe