Friday 16 February 2007

My Calender

I have this little theory about the months of the year that I've formed over time.....

January is a fairly good time. Its new and fresh and there's a kind of pleasant chaos everywhere, with people settling into the new year. Usually , there's some kind of change happening in my life - maybe getting back to work , getting back to college- and I'm usually pretty busy with settling down that the month seems to go by pretty fast.

February brings with it the reminder that I'm ONE whole month into the new year and that I still write the previous year when I'm writing the date. Its a month that makes me feel like I need to get some direction in my life, I need to decide what I need to do over the year. Its a month that sometimes makes me feel weary and tired and sometimes lonely, thinking of the long long year ahead...

By March, I've accepted the fact that I'm well into the year and yet not even half-way to completing it. March is the month for taking it easy , things settle down, I still don't have a plan , but I don't think about it anymore, and I don't let that bother me.

April and May seem like gentle months. But usually things do take a toss around this time. There's usually some upheaval , be it at home or college or friends. I'm busy around this time, busy with trying to sort things out, busy with work.

June is Aa's birthday, on midsummer's eve. I think most people like June, I don't dislike it, I don't like-it-like-it either. There's something free spirited and casual about June. The monsoons arrive. Things seem to calm down, atleast for the time being. And slowly, July has taken over and things don't seem much different. I've learned that this is just the calm before the storm and this is really the time for me to get all my strength together ....

because August and September have definitely been the most tumultous months for me, at least as far as my 'love life' goes. All the love I've lost, all the love I've gained, its all begun and / or ended in one of these months. These are heady months - the highs and the lows, the excitement and the dejection, talking the night away or crying myself to sleep ...

By October , things do settle down, relatively, be it for the better or worse. Things seem a little less tinted, mistakes are understood, the headiness dies down as reality gradual sinks in, a gradual acceptance of what's happened and things slow down a bit.

November, I am at peace. I love November , for its simplicity , for its elegance and quiet dignity. It doesn't bring with it the fanfare and the noise that December or January does. It just comes in so silently, unassumingly. November tells me that life is good and I'm happy and I feel blessed. November is the time for family and friends and all things good.

Finally, December. I love December too. I love Christmas and all the holidays and all the time at home, with cousins and uncles and aunts and all the good food AND my birthday !!! I love it despite the crass commercialisation of Christmas and the scary Santa Clauses. I love it for the sense of contenment it gives, the sense that despite and because of everything , I'm on my way to a new year and I know that at any point over that year, I can always tell myself ' this too shall pass' ....


Fireflies said...

shitt... this is soo freakky... i have similar views on the months as well..
I love november and december.. i think they are the best times of the year! loads of excitement all around. I normally hate the beginning months of the year.. they are somehow still associated with exams or preparation for them!

Me said...

I love Decemeber, Jan, March, Aprill...basically the first quarter of the year and the last month of the year....
I love beginnings - because of freshness, like you said,
And endings - so i can wallow in introspective nostaglia :)