Tuesday 20 February 2007


Boring DearDiary entry ahead. Be warned ....

Nothing like attending a concert on a Monday evening to drive the Monday blues away !

Ozomatli is an American band and their music combines the sounds of Latin American salsa , hip-hop, jazz and in yesterday's concert, a tinge of the sitar and the tabla. The concert was a lot of fun, very energetic , with some very dance-able numbers. And we were all right up in front, dancing and clapping away. I was also pleasantly surprised that despite the free entry and all the crowd, we never had a problem of men huddling up too close or making lewd remarks, as is often the case for most other concerts.

Anyway, the week seems definitely shorter now ! Oh, for more concerts on Mondays !!


Me said...

How cool that you got free entry to such an eclectic band! It's like a buffet meal for music lovers :)

Tarantismo said...

Yeah ! A very yummy buffet indeed !