Thursday 18 January 2007


I was woken up rather cruelly, but unintentionally, this morning by my cousin and her friend (temporarily staying with me) who were getting ready to head for work. Lights on, bathroom door closing , shoes dropping, bathroom door closing , plastic covers crunching , bathroom door closing.... Aaaaaaah. I felt so sorry for myself and I missed my quiet mornings by myself terribly. (Aaah, what a grouch I've become).

Anyway , as soon as I heard the front door close, I went back to sleep and woke an hour later. My eyes felt like I had been crying the previous night. Which was strange, because I hadn't. I was in no mood to get ready and go for work so I fell back on the wonderful wonderful 'WFH' option.
Working From Home ... Ha ha ha ha !!!

And Work involved 5 episodes of Friends (thanks to peekvid ) , bloghopping, occassional napping, checking mails, Orkut, blogs.. All in all, it was pretty hectic.

Later, in the evening, I decided to go out for a walk . I walked to the nearby ATM and there was a long queue and I was standing around, singing, Don't Let Me Down... I noticed this old lady in the house next door, looking at me and generally surveying the area around the ATM , rather carefully, a little too carefully . She must have been in her early sixties, her hair was a dirty brown - white hair that had be henna-ed a long time back. After a while, she looked at me and very poitely said, " Can you move to the side a bit? Ya just to that corner" .... So I stepped away to the side, away from her. And the next thing I know, there was this mug full of dirty brown water that she empties right across the wall, right in front of the ATM, into the security guard's chair, which thankfully, was unoccupied. And then a flurry of abuses, which were directed at the security guard followed. "You bloody bastard, You're a security guard ! Do your job ! How dare you ! You sick fool !" and so on and so forth . And a few seconds later , another mug full of muddy water.. And more abuses.

It was so so strange and absurd and she was so angry and the security guard was just not reacting. I don't know if she was unwell or if he had done something really bad. But she sure was one angry lady.......


manjadi said...

i was thinking. maybe she wasn't unwell. the entire operation had planning involved in it- like the mud water and all that. u might want to do some detective work!!!!!!11
this is so random no?????
just got to work and there is noone here

Fireflies said...

hmmm verrry strange. Maybe she witnessed him doing something really disgusting. And since she has a good view she must have been really angry!! find out. Go for 'tea' to her place one evening and ask!!!