Friday 22 December 2006


C(colleague): "Did you see the crib and the christmas tree in the reception? "

me: "Yes, fleetingly ....."

C: "Fleetingly, ,fleetingly ! I didn't know people actually used that in a conversation, . That's quite an achievement. "

O K...

And then there was this conversation on Gtalk with a choothiah mistake that happened in my life:

S: how can you not think of me when you got such good stuff at home ?

<'good stuff' refers to Bailey's Irish Cream.>

me: oh its very easy

S: oooooh...someone is snapping

me: oooooh someone thinks i'm snapping

S: aaaah
i think you need some love

Asshole, who does he think he is?

I don't know, maybe I shouldn't take it so badly. But I just despise the fact that someone whose notion of love is so warped that he's had close to 5 'serious' relationships over the course of the last year, all of which he claimed were ' this is the one, this one I'm holding on to, this IS the one' - has the nerve to tell me that I need love.

I wished I could have come back with some really snappy, cooool come-back to that line. But nope, I just said some vague shit and after five minutes, blocked him from my list.

What should I have said? 'I don't need no such love, honey. I'm happy where I am now'
or 'You can take your m-f***ing advice and shove it up your b****chooth ass.
or as M suggested 'Love is over-rated'.

I know that after 2 days I'll suddenly think of some far out , totally chilled out, super cool line.. .


manjadi said...

it was damn funny. and i stick to the " love is over rated" you got friends Miss arrack what more do you need!!!!!!!

iz said...

Try "so then I'm wasting my talking to you."

Fireflies said...

how about,
"Just like you needed love in alll those 5 relationships you had in ONE YEAR!!!"
sorry.. i felt like had to come up with something. ive had the same problem so often. and i keep thinking, "this what i should have said!!!"