Friday 24 November 2006


Today’s going to be a good day. My typical pessimistic self tells me, no , no, expect the worst, don’t get excited, you’ll just get disappointed later on.. But I’m fighting it, I AM going to get excited and hopefull and happy and I have every reason to ! For one, I managed to wake up slightly earlier than usual, clean the house (I had taken the garbage out for so long I was scared there would be animals in it ), have a bath , make myself breakfast AND make it early to office ! AND to top it all, they played my request on the radio. Yes ,yes they actually did – Tracy Chapman . I had asked for Give Me one Reason, but they didn’t have that , and played Talkin About a Revolution instead. Suits me just fine ! AND (yes, there’s more) ,I would not have heard this song had this been a normal day . But all the forces of the universe came together and just on a whim , I decided to put on my headphones and listen to Radio Indigo ! And what do you know, the RJ was just introducing the song !!! I’m so happy I could I could.... !!!

So the hero for the moment is this !!

1 comment:

manjadi said...

The universe thinks you deserve happiness now.