Friday 20 July 2007

I'm on the other side now.

Besides all the re-studying (and this time more thoroughly) and the daunting prospect of facing a class of 50+ students , being a teacher can be quite a toughie..
For one, you can no longer bitch about some students to other students. Which is something that comes naturally to me.
Two, you can't bitch about teachers to the students .. Obviously not.
And three, I don't think you can bitch about students to teachers. Okay, so I can discuss performance and wonder why student X has done so badly. But that'll have to stop at that. I can't discuss my various conjectures like girlfriend issues and questions like what-does-he-see-in-her-anyway-?

All that requires a lot of self restraint and discipline. They really should pay me more..


Anonymous said...

you know, i've always wanted to be a teacher!

lucky you.

Fireflies said...

ahahha.. sounds tough. hey are you teaching george??