Monday 28 May 2007

Running away

Part of the reason why I'm quitting work is

- M makes my life miserable. And I let him manipulate me and was too chicken to stand up to him. I do hold my ground now and then but not firmly enough. I should have put a stop to it a long time back. I did try, but I wasn't firm enough.
Unable to manage the M and easily pushed around.

- I know jack-shit about all this technical stuff and I have a peer who actually picked up a whole new programming language all on his own. I feel like I'm in the wrong place.
I think I learn best from a text book. I actually READ instruction manuals. I learn best when I'm taught things. I don't think I can just pick up stuff like this on my own, just by exploring.
Unable to manage peer-pressure and easily intimidated.

So there. I'm running away from it. Running back to school. Where there are profs to help me or profs whom I can blame and juniors to make me feel good.

There. That's.the.truth. I'm.running.away.


Anonymous said...

YOU ARE NOT RUNNING AWAY. dont take too much load. with love from bumbay.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 1. You are not running away. In fact you are probably doing the best thing you've done for yourself in a long long time. And its about time!!!
Like Anon 1 said "load mat lo,yaar".

Me said...

echoing annon
it's never running back when you are going to school...


Fireflies said...

even if it is, then keep running! its all good!!!