Wednesday 30 May 2007


I'm not much of a travel writer. Not that I'm much of a writer at all. But writing about where I went and what I did reminds of the inevitable post-summer-holiday 'free writing' (as compositions were called in school) that we had to. Title "What I Did During my Summer Holidays". They used to be such a pain and after a couple of years, I had a standard "free-writing" ready to be used for all the coming years, of course, with a few changes here and there, bigger words, slightly fancier sentences.

So I'll just leave you with some pictures of Kakkabe and Jungle Mount Adventure camp. There are some more pictures, from a friend's camera which I haven't got yet. When I do get them and if they're any good, I'll put them up as well.

This is Jungle Mount Adventures Base-Camp 1 in Kakkabe. Very pretty, very very pretty...

Another bit of the camp. Kitchen on one side and a small room on the other.

There's a river that flows through the camp. Kayaking, rowing and swimming. We followed the river down its course for a while. Came across a small waterfall on the way .

We also went rappelling down a 200 feet rock face. Which was a lot of fun and rather dramatic (courtesy a slightly paranoid 'anonymous' friend. Mmmmwwaaah).


Fireflies said...

love the last picture!

Anonymous said...

Haha....i did not make it dramatic. You guys were just so unbelievably normal about the rappelling, like 'ho hum, today ill brush my teeth,eat breakfast and throw in a little rappelling'!!!!! It just made me look dramatic in contrast! Phew....but it was pretty exciting and im glad you guys talked me through it(mmmmwah)!