Monday 14 May 2007


Last year, this time, my parents had seen me off at the airport and I was on my way to Bangalore. My first job....

And today, this time, I'm thinking of quitting and moving on.

When I joined, it was more that I was trying out what it was like to work, just for the experience. Ultimately, I would get back to studies and start on my PhD. But even then and especially somewhere in-between the last one year, I started to doubt whether I was really up to a PhD. I wondered if I was doing it because that was the next thing to do (which is often the reason why I do most things) and whether I would be able to survive it. At the same time, life in the corporate world was not exactly rosy. Trouble with the m. Loss of interest. All this only hastened my decision to get back to studies.
I liked studying, I'd love to study in a foreign university, I know that I'll learn a lot, and not just Economics.

But at the same time, there's the nagging thought in the back of my head. That I'm throwing away an extremely-well-paying-challenging-high-growth-potential-very-niche-area-exclusive job. All that money , the independence. Gone , gone , gone...
This laptop. This flat. Evening smoke. Long phone calls. Not looking at the right-hand side of the menu before ordering..All gone....

Its a pretty scary thought.

But then again, I tell myself life's not going to be miserable. Different, but not miserable...

I don't know if I'm making the right decision. I'll know that only much later. It IS a plunge into the dark, but I think I need to do that atleast once in my life...


Me said...

Decisions! Decisions!
Dearest Arrack, here's to you finding what you really want to do!
All the v. best!

Anonymous said...

take the plunge miss arrack. everything will be fine.

Kochukandhari said...

Hate making life changing decisions myslef! Here's to going for it!

Anonymous said...

Go for it...if you let this go, you could end up regretting it for the rest of your life. You can always get back into the kind of work you are doing, but studying is not going be the same for too long.

Anonymous said...

If you are really ready for it, you will do it on your own.You wont need any affirmations and assurances from anyone!

Shobha said...

Hey, just wanted to wish you good luck .. whatever you decide, it will be what is best for you. Believe that,ok ?

Tarantismo said...

Thank you my beautiful ladies ! So much support and encouragement! I keep coming back to this page and reading some of the comments and I feel SO much better!
Thanks everyone!