Wednesday 3 January 2007


This year I want to try and :

- not procrastinate (well okay, this post is a little late, but I was on a holiday and I was having so much fun , I just couldn't find the time to post but FYI, I did decide on this resolution on Jan 1st itself)

- not make lame excuses to myself for procrastinating (oh shaaddup ! )

- carry my own bag when I go shopping (this one is inspired by Guardian's award- winning resolution.

- eat a healthy breakfast and not have only coffee

- regain contact with old friends and STAY in touch

- not let my manager's mood decide my mood

- write at least one letter a month - yes, yes, snail mail. If not a letter, then a postcard.

That's a lot of stuff I know, I wonder if I'll remember them !!!!

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