Friday 17 November 2006

Sober after all

I am a spoilt brat.. I don't even know how to roll my own joint.. All this while I've been handed tightly rolled neat joints in a silver platter.. Or i've just stuffed them into a hollowed out Navy cut.. So when I did try to roll one myself, I just couldn't figure out how to do it ... I even called up J to get instructions (he said he was honoured) , but its kind of difficlut to explain over the phone. So I put all the weed back in the little plastic packet and sealed it tight.. There was beer in the fridge but the weather was too cold for that.

So finally, I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and settled down to watch one of the most painfully boring movies ever..- Eyes Wide Shut.. Eyes wide shit, that's what it should be called.

I can sleep late tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
