Tuesday 1 May 2007

My life and an insight into my highly advanced decision-making skills

Tenth Standard:
I don't think I like Biology, well, not enough to be able to dissect dead animals.
I don't like History, I can't mug up all the dates.
So what does that leave me with then ? Eco Commerce Accounts. Okie dokie.

Twelfth Standard:

I don't like Commerce. Too much theory and definitions. I like Accounts, so CA ? Nah, too much effort. And I don't want to narrow down to a particular field just yet. Eco? Yeah, well it doesn't cut down too many options and like I said, I don't want to narrow down my options just yet. Okay, so BA Eco it shall be.

2nd Year Eco
NO MORE ECO , never again.

3rd Year Eco
Well maybe a Masters, since I can't think of anything else.

2 years and a Masters in Economics later.
Should I study more ? Should I work ? Maybe I should work , just to get some exposure to the environment, just so that I know what it's like. Yeah okay, maybe I'll work. In any case, it won't narrow down any options.

1 year later
Hmmm, maybe I should get back to studies. Just for the exposure. I do like to study. I might just enjoy it. But study what ? Eco, of course. But what in Eco ? I don't want to narrow down on a field, not just yet.

How can I decide what I want to do unless I know what its LIKE to do that something ? Which means I should give everything a shot, or else, I would be making an ill-informed decision right ?


Kochukandhari said...

I'm sorry, this just made me giggle. Pretty much how I made most of my decisions

Me said...

Ditto here.
I agree with you - how the heck does one know what one likes if you haven't tasted it right?

blackandblue said...

Hey.. came across ur blog and this entry was gr8! Many ppl face such dilemmas and I feel that intuition is the only way to figure such stuff out.
If you get the right feeling about a certain thing.. I guess you go for it.. there's simply no way you can try your hand at everything!

Bone said...

ooh i really like this post. maybe i should do something similar. it would at least make you feel better :D