Friday 23 March 2007

I've been told plenty of times that I should consider myself especially lucky if I get a job I love and enjoy. In all likelihood, work is most often something you tolerate, something you do because you have to...

But its just so frustrating at times. I don't dislike my job. But the thing is I'm not a particularly passionate person. There is no ONE thing that excites me and drives me. Put me anywhere (well, pretty much) and I'll do a fairly decent job. I may not be passionate or super-intelligent but, to my credit, I am extremely hard-working and that gets me through a lot of things. I feel satisified at the end of a day well-spent , working hard, getting things completed.

Work has started to get more and more unsatisfying. I'm not sure if this is just a phase. I'm not sure if this is because of my current project which makes me want to pull my hair, bite my nails and punch someone. I'm not sure if its because I haven't been working hard enough and hence the feeling of unsatisfaction.
I'm tired of writing codes (when computers are not even my thing), sick of VBAs and Excel macros and numbers and numbers and more numbers. I just want to walk away from it all.

The 'sensible' (rather the conservative, absolutely risk-averse, timid, self-effacing) voice in my head tells me that its just a phase. I'll probably move on to another job and find myself as unhappy at some point. I should just tolerate this and not expect so much. At the same time, I keep wondering , what's the point of studying hard and working hard in school/college when at the end of the day you're stuck in a job that's not really making you happy ?

Is my job supposed to make me happy ? Or should I just tolerate it ? Do most people just tolerate their jobs?

And I just realised that its a Friday and I'm whining.. I've certainly hit rock bottom.


Kochukandhari said...

Some jobs are more boring then others - I hope you're being paid well at least?

Me said...

OH. I ask myself this everyday and really, there must be something wrong with a job that makes us question so, right?
Yeah, like Beks says, hope you are getting paid well.
That's what makes me hang on.

Akkare said...

I love my profession, but not every job I have been in. And my policy has always been: life is too short to be unhappy even for a short period of time. if you are not happy change the thing that makes you unhappy. So first decide if it is this job or the profession in general that is making you unhappy and then change the thing that is.

N A R I YA L C H U T N E Y said...

There is nothing wrong with the job. May be your interests and skills are not being utilised properly .Oh BTW ! Moi went thru this phase . Think yourself in the place of your superiors 5 / 10 years down the line . If you think you wont enjoy being them 5/10 years down the line , then think of other options. Either the job or the motivation of being in their place after some time should motivate you.Any way Always I thought that all those IT jobs where your existence is reduced to a number known as employee ID and where you are referred to as a resource or an associate never did any justice to creative people.

P S: I went for an MBA :) after this phase .

Fireflies said...

about the time I started hating my job I decided to quit. I don't know if that is good or not considering I have not replaced old job with new job.

Astraeus said...

I have chosen a major i like and i know that someday i will be living in a box.....

am doing comparative literature (BA) what will i do after this i dont know!!!

Tarantismo said...

The pay is very good, golden handcuffs, as I call it. Sigh...

Thanks for all the thoughts. I need to do some thinking....

desi witch said...

if the job is not so bad that you want to kill yourself and you're getting paid really well then make sure you pamper yourself with the money you make.
I'm in a job that's strictly OK. i have nice colleagues and get paid quite well. I use my salary to do the things I really love - photography, movies, books and travel. It makes the half-brained IT stuff that I do at work, much more pleasant!

Bone said...

this post of yours reflects my cuurent post in many ways... maybe even the one you commented on. i still don't think anything's worth your peace of mind, now is it?