Tuesday 27 March 2007

I don't understand why people who you've had pleasant conversations with, be it in the elevator or in the cab on the way back from office, refuse to say even a 'Hi', let alone make eye contact when you meet in office the next day. It just shows such lack of character.

Is this the 'done' thing in the corporate world ? Or is it just me ? I wonder...


Anonymous said...

"People are strange, when you're a stranger, faces seem ugly, when you're alone!"
BUT , I thought you didnt like PC "hello's" and "nice to meet you's".....Are'nt genuine niceties better than the fake ones???

Tarantismo said...

Why not a genuine 'Hi! What's up' ?!! I wouldn't mind that ...

Anonymous said...

If it were genuine it would be there.....right?
If they dont feel it, its better not there!
Just try to look at it thatway, maybe....and it wont feel so bad.

Anonymous said...

missy arrack,
I dont like the hi, whats up.Wwhen you want to hear it,it means your getting too used to the american timings and settings of your office. I also get a lot of Hi, whats up and I think noone waits/cares for the answer. I dont like it also cos I dont know how to respond to it cos noone really cares for the answer.

Me said...

I think this is an individual thing, maybe individual office thing. I used to come across this in school here where people who I had extremely pleasant conversations in cafeteria or the bar, would just refuse to acknowledge presence.
It takes all sorts, right?