Wednesday 10 January 2007

Just Right For .....

Last Sunday, my cousin, met her potential in-laws at a local church. She went with another cousin and they met up after the Mass. Later, her parents called up the intermediary to find out what the potential in-laws had to say. It seems they said that she wasn't as TALL as they thought she would be .

How, how, may I ask, does a girl's height affect the compatibility of a couple? How does is matter at all? I have nothing against "arranged marriages". I don't have anything against "love marriages" either. But when arranged marriages get reduced to a sort of animal-trading business , that infuriates me.

However , the saving grace was that my aunt responded curtly by saying, " Well, we can't do anything about that , can we? Vallichu neettaan pattuvo? (we can't stretch her , can we?). "


Anonymous said...

Exactly! maybe because they won't look in pictures together and that may affect mummy boy's fragile self esteem?
Alternately of course, they may not have got along with your cousin and were looking for a tactful way to mention it? Wait... they were Mallus, tact hasn't been discovered yet!

Fireflies said...

hey at least they were objecting to height... most of the time its 'the colour' of the girl...
ive heard of that several times...

Tarantismo said...

I don't know , height / colour, its still pretty disgusting.
But then again, as beks said, it could just be a 'tactful' way of saying 'No, thank you' ...

Akkare said...

I would have shot them! Once someone told my parents, about me "Even though she is dark, she is qoodlooking, so you wont have too much of a problem finding a boy for her." Freaks!!!!